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FM200 Extinguishing Systems

Technical information

FM200 extinguishing systems are designed to quickly and effectively extinguish the area where the fire occurs.

These effective systems allow the fire to be extinguished by reducing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of the area where the fire occurred. FM200 uses an extinguishing gas called HFC-227ea, which is an environmentally friendly gas. As content, it reduces the oxygen level of the area where the fire occurs and thus allows the area of influence of the fire to be broken.

FM200 systems quickly extinguish the area where the fire occurs, preventing the spread of the fire. These units, which are demanded by many sectors, can be scaled according to the size of the area where the fire occurred and the rate of spread of the fire.

For example, when a fire occurs in a computer center, the system only focuses on that area and extinguishes the fire. Likewise, when a fire starts in a power plant, the system focuses only on that area and effectively extinguishes the fire.

How FM200 Extinguishing Systems Work?

FM200 extinguishing systems quickly extinguish the area where the fire occurred, while preventing the spread of the fire. Therefore, FM200 systems protect valuable assets and people in the area where the fire occurred. It does not harm the environment while extinguishing the fire. Therefore, FM200 systems are considered an environmentally friendly fire suppression option.

Efficiency is obtained because it is a fire extinguishing system used to quickly extinguish the area where the fire occurred. The system quickly transforms the area where the fire occurred into an air-filled environment and reduces the oxygen content that causes the fire. FM200 creates an air-filled environment in the area where the fire occurs and reduces the oxygen content that causes the fire. In this way, the fire is extinguished.

It can be used in various facilities as it is known to be effective at all times. For example, it can be used in power stations, telecommunications facilities, computer centers or storage areas.

In addition, FM200 systems protect valuable assets and people in the area where the fire occurred. These systems do not harm the environment while extinguishing the fire. Therefore, FM200 systems are considered an environmentally friendly fire suppression option.

Periodic Maintenance of FM200 Systems

FM200 fire extinguishing system periodic maintenance is the maintenance to check the operating status and safety of the system.

Below are some of the processes that need to be periodically maintained for the FM200 fire extinguishing system; inspection of the fire extinguishing line and control devices, checking the gas tank and compressor and supplementing them if necessary, checking the working status of alarm and warning systems.

Periodic maintenance operations are carried out to check the working condition and safety of the fire extinguishing system. Therefore, periodic maintenance of the FM200 fire suppression system is important and should be done regularly.

It can be used in power stations, telecommunications facilities, computer centers or storage areas. In addition, FM200 units protect valuable assets and people in the area where the fire occurred. Being environmentally friendly allows it to be applied harmlessly in many areas.

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